Friday, November 30, 2007


Abd. Malik Tussin, Director, Division of Marine Meteorology and Oceanography
Malaysian Meteorological Department, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

I've added a new Kadayan image in the "Potret Terbilang". He is Abd. Malik Tussin, Director, Division of Marine Meteorology and Oceanography, Malaysian Meteorological Department, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
Malaysia. He is a Kadayan and his profile is as follows: -

I have been working as a meteorologist at the Malaysian Meteorological Department since May 1982. I have worked as a forecaster for more than 15 years. I did my first degree in physics at National University of Malaysia. I did my M.Sc in meteorology at Reading University, United Kingdom. I was transferred to the Marine Division about a year ago. My area of interest is in climate change and its contributions to extreme weather events. I am also interested in the study of the relationship between the oceans and the weather. I am married with 4 children, 3 girls and a boy age between 7 to 17 years old.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


By Tuan Haji Ramlee Dua

The blog administrator wish to extend his sincere gratitude to the author of this article, Tuan Haji Ramlee Dua,for giving the permission to publish “THE KADAYAN DIASPORA - THE MASS MIGRATION INTO LABUAN” in this blog. Tuan Haji Ramli Dua is a regular visitor and he had posted several interesting comments on the articles I've posted in this blog. Readers comments on this article are most welcome. Thank you. - A.S. Kasah, Administrator

Diaspora - Etymology: Greek, dispersion, from diaspeirein to scatter, from dia- + speirein to sow
In this context it means the movement, migration, or scattering of a people away from an established or ancestral homeland

The Kadayan Diaspora - The Mass Migration Into Labuan

In writing these articles, I am not relying on any references or accurate records, but rather only on my recollections on my readings of history. I most certainly welcome feedbacks from readers in order that we as Kadayans can learn more about ourselves.

The mass migration of Kadayans into Labuan was very recent. I shall dwell on other movements of Kadayans into other parts of what is now Sabah and Sarawak at a later time.

The other reason why I would like to write about the migration of Kadayans into Labuan first is because it was quite straighforward, for Labuan is an island of only some 50,000 acres. Its administrative history, however, is much more interesting and shall be covered in other articles.

The history of all South-East Asian empires, sultanates or states bore one thing in common. This was also common elsewhere where thrones were inherited from kings, sultans, maharajas to less able descendents. The French revolution of 1789 bore testimony to excesses in palaces that led to anger from the masses. The Sultanate of Brunei was not spared this problem.

When James Brooke sailed from Singapore to Borneo in 1838, he landed at Kuching to discover anarchy. The Dayak tribes were revolting against the rule of the Sultan of Brunei over taxes and other serious grievances, not less from uncontrolled piracy and brigandage from other parts of the island, making life difficult for the inhabitants.

Having inherited substantial inheritance from his family and ever the adventurer and opportunist, Brooke immediately saw opportunity from this chaos. He offered to quell the Dayak rebellion and piracy along the coast in return for huge tracts of territory from the Sultan, who saw no loss for as long as he could enjoy his life.

James Brooke used cunning and guile to quell the rebellion and firepower to supress piracy, for he was able to hire English mercenaries with enough guns to fight the pirates. As for the Dayaks, he used a different method. Knowing that they were not necessarily united, he made use of their constant tribal feuds to encourage them to fight each other and to allow more head-hunting as incentives. History will judge that James Brooke, more than the Dayaks themselves, was responsible for blooshed amongst the Dayak tribes until they fought themselves to a standstill.

Having acquired a vast territory known as Sarawak, James Brooke installed himself as Rajah. However, the development of steamships meant the end for sailing ships. This meant coal was in great demand and Sarawak had no coal deposits that could supply ships plying the trade routes from Singapore, Annam, China, Manila and Japan. The island of Labuan was discovered to have a substantial coal deposit that could be commercially developed.

James Brooke demanded that he be given the island on he pretext of giving it to the British Crown due to its strategic location. When Sultan Abdul Momin hesitated, Brooke sent a pompous and crude sea-captain named James Mundy to confront the Sultan and screamed "Bobo chop! Bobo chop!"(Bubuh was the Brunei Malay word meaning to place). The frightened Sultan did as he was ordered and on Christmas Day, 1846, Labuan was declared as a British protectorate and the capital named Victoria.

The following year about 1,000 Kadayans families were encouraged to migrate to Labuan to open up the virgin forests. The reason for this willingness to leave Brunei were several. Firstly, soil which they have been tilling were getting infertile. Brunei proper was never a good place for agriculture because it was either sandy or swampy.

Secondly, the Kadayan population was growing and more land for agriculture was needed.

Thirdly, rule of law was non-existent. Head-hunting by Kayan and Kelabit tribes were causing disproportionate hardships to farmers. Further, bands of profiteers from amongst the Brunei Malay population were making unreasonable demands such as non-payments of produce. Worst of all, daughters were forcibly taken to be sold as concubines either to the Sultan himself of his high-ranking officials.

Moving to Labuan meant freedom from head-hunters, polltaxes, loss of daughters and the prospect of white men as the new masters.

The Kadayans settled all over the island and started new kampungs which stand to this day such as Sungai Lada, Sungai Labu, Sungai Badaun, Bukit Mainding, Batu Manikaa, Kampung Kaasik, Tanjung Puun, Batu Haang, Pulau Buah, Kampung Ancah-Ancah, Bukit Tamiang to name a few. The island came to be known to the Kadayans as Labuhan, meaning a place where ships could drop anchor.

Very few Brunei Malays followed in the footsteps of the Kadayans into Labuan. Those that did settled at kampung Patau-Patau as continued their lives as fishermen. Kadayans who moved into Labuan developed their own methods of in-shore fishing to supplement their needs.

With the cessation of Labuan to the British Crown, a coal mine was opened and Scottish miners were initially brought in as miners. Later, Chinese coolies were sourced from southern China. The mine never made money and was later closed when accident after accident and financial losses could no longer be borne.

Victoria became the centre of commercial activity and many new migrants from China, Malacca and India arrived to start businesses but the Kadayans remained as farmers.....Hj Ramlee Dua

Monday, November 26, 2007



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Wherein are plain memorials (of Allah's guidance); the place where Abraham stood up to pray; and whosoever entereth it is safe. And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for him who can find a way thither. As for him who disbelieveth, (let him know that) lo! Allah is Independent of (all) creatures. –Ali Imran ayat 97

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang

Firman Allah SWT di dalam Surah Ali Imran Ayat 97 yang bermaksud,

Di situ ada tanda-tanda keterangan yang nyata (yang menunjukkan kemuliaannya; di antaranya ialah) Makam Nabi Ibrahim dan sesiapa yang masuk ke dalamnya aman tenteramlah dia dan Allah mewajibkan manusia mengerjakan ibadat Haji dengan mengunjungi Baitullah iaitu sesiapa yang mampu sampai kepadanya dan sesiapa yang kufur (ingkarkan kewajipan ibadat Haji itu), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya (tidak berhajatkan sesuatu pun) dari sekalian makhluk. – Ali Imran ayat 97



HambaMu telah datang menyambut panggilanMU Ya Tuhan, hambaMu datang menyambut panggilanMu. Sesungguhnya segala puji-pujian, nikmat dan kerajaan adalah kepunyaanMu dan tidak ada sekutu bagiMu.

Bulan haji datang lagi. Kepada semua pelawat-pelawat blog ini khasnya dan semua umat Islam amnya yang telah berangkat atau akan berangkat ke tanah suci, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menunaikan Rukun Islam Kelima. Selamat pergi dan selamat kembali. Semoga Allah SWT mengurniakan haji mabrur kepada mereka. Insya Allah. Amin.


KADAYAN UNIVERSE – the most comprehensive Kadayan resources on the net

I have been exploring cyberspace ever since the internet was introduced into this country way back in 1995. The first ISP (Internet Service Provider) in this country happened to be my employer, it was apparent that I had the edge and the upper hand to be acquainted with the internet technology ahead of the customers.

The advancement of the internet technology particularly the content development and the network technology, coupled with the government initiative to reduce digital gap in this country had increased the internet penetration exponentially since its introduction twelve years ago. In layman’s term, it simply means that internet users are increasing year by year.

All government department / agencies, large corporations and great many SMIs / SMEs have their own websites. For public sectors, websites are essential as means of disseminating information to the general public and for private sectors websites are indispensable marketing tools. For NGOs, associations and private users, websites are useful to reach their members and the community at large.

Thus, a truly Kadayan website, was born in early 2006, created by a group of ambitious, dynamic and resourceful Kadayans of Sabah origin. The new generation of Kadayan who created the KADAYAN UNIVERSE website are highly competent and possesses high level of IT literacy in order to pursue such goals. Based on the chronology of events leading to its development which was mentioned in Kadayan Yahoo Discussion Group in 2006, I came to a conclusion that the website development was not outsourced to a third party website developer. The team members have devoted their precious time to develop a wonderful website which to me no other Malaysian ethnic based websites came close to KADAYAN UNIVERSE.

The KADAYAN UNIVERSE is filled with resourceful contents contributed by the website resident columnist, Mr Amde Sidik, independent contributor and the team members themselves. A unique but familiar nick names, at least amongst the Kadayans such as tutut indahau – Editor, Giin Buagas – Manager, Kaawai Tanah – Super Administrator and Aaja Kadayan – Contributor are the backbone of the KADAYAN UNIVERSE .

The existence of KADAYAN UNIVERSE is a symbol of pride and determination of the Kadayan people. It is an eye-opener for others that we the Kadayans can stand at par or maybe an inch taller with other races, contrary to the popular belief that Kadayans are reserved and timid people.

I would like to see the KADAYAN UNIVERSE will live up by its tag line as “the most comprehensive Kadayan resources on the net.” I believe one day, KADAYAN UNIVERSE will become an authority on social, economic, culture and traditions of Kadayan people.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr Amde Sidek, resident columnist who had contributed numerous articles to the website and the team members of KADAYAN UNIVERSE for their great efforts in developing, maintaining and updating the website.

To all the Kadayan people outside there, who have visited the KADAYAN UNIVERSE, I humbly request your favour to inform, spread and connect the websites to all other Kadayan people where ever they are within the reachable galaxy. If you are a blogger or having a personal website, please add the link to your blog and your website, if you have e-mails, spread the link to others and of course, the most conventional mean is to use words of mouth.

Please visit

Thank you.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


By Tuan Haji Ramlee Dua

The blog administrator wish to extend his sincere gratitude to the author of this article, Tuan Haji Ramlee Dua, for giving the permission to publish “HOW KADAYANS GOT THEIR NAME” in this blog. Tuan Haji Ramli Dua is a regular visitor and he had posted several interesting comments on the articles I've posted in this blog. Readers comments on this article are most welcome. Thank you.- A.S. Kasah, Administrator


It is generally accepted that Kadayans were not native to the parts of Borneo they now inhabit, namely Brunei, Miri, Limbang, Lawas, Labuan, Sipitang and parts of Beaufort and Papar.

The general belief is that these people were brought to the Sultanate of Brunei to farm and produce food for the river-bound fishermen who were the forefathers of the present day Brunei Malays. It is further believed that these people originated from a certain part of what is todays' Indonesia.

It is of no doubt, however, that these people are of Malay stock and their dialect is very close to lingua franca Malay. Of all the dialects spoken in the archipelago and in Borneo in particular, only Kadayan and Brunei Malay (other than Sarawak Malay) display the closest semblance to Riau archipelago Malay (regarded by many linguistic experts as the benchmark of the Malay language).

No one has actually done a research into the real origins of the Kadayans. Their past is shrouded in mystery and the truth lost over time.

It is, however, possible to pinpoint to some approximate timeframe as to when these people were brought into Brunei proper.

This can be done by sieving through history and determining when the Sultanate of Brunei exerted influence over a much larger territory that could have exteded far into what is now Kalimantan and probably beyond. Accurate records of the history of the Sultanate, however, are scarce.

How, in what manner and in what number these people were intoduced into Brunei is very much open to question.

Firstly, there was no doubt that they ended up as farmers. They were also thought to be warriors who fought for the Sultans.

Secondly, did they come willingly or were they part of a slave trade? Or were they part of a wedding dowry for Brunei and other royalties in the region, the Sultante of Kutai in particular?

Thirdly, their numbers could not have been very large in the beginning because ships of those times were not capable of accomodating large numbers of passegers unless they arrrived in many shipments.

Fourthly, were they a cohesive group originating from a particular area in what is now Indonesia and speaking a distinct dialect of Malay?

Finally, did they come with their families?

To answer the last question, it would seem logical that they emigrated (willingly or otherwise) with their families. This was going to be a one-way trip. What promises or coercions were made by those responsible were not known.

What must be generally accepted would be the fact that the Sultante of Brunei (or Po-Ni as the Chinese knew it, an corrupted into "Borneo" by the early Europeans) was known as a regional power of the time and a potential source of maritime trade by others outside the region.

The spice trade lured Europeans, Arabs, Chinese and traders from the Indian sub-continent to the Malay Archipelago, much like gold lured thousands into America and Australia in later centuries. The movements of groups of people within the region must have been common and not peculiar to just Kadayans.

By the late 15th century, Malacca had become an important trading hub for the Archipelago. Its importance became its downfall for an important Malay Sultanate of the region, for in 1511, the Portuguese led by Alfonso D'Alberquerque, sailed with his fleet from Goa and captured Malacca. Sultan Mahmud fled to Johor to establish the Johor Sultanate and later his descendents established the Riau-Lingga Sultante.

By the time the Portuguese captured Malacca, the Sultanate had long adopted Islam and the religion was spreading quickly throughout the Archipelago.

Initially, the religion was said to have been brought by Arab traders into what is now Aceh and these traders ventured further into the Archipelago as far as what is now the Philippines. However, it must be stressed that merchant seamen of those days were not confined to Arabs, for there were no shortage of willing and able-bodied men who went on to be hired hands for these traders and they themselves adopted the religion and assisted proactively in its spread.

In 1521, when Ferdinand Magellen's fleet reached the Philippine Isalnds from across the Pacific Ocean, the people he met were already Muslims. This drove Magellan into a frenzy of forcing the local population of Mactan into accepting Christianity which led to his death at the hands of Lapu-Lapu.

During the same year, the remainder of the fleet sailed into Brunei (using Muslim sailor/guides from Mactan) and Antonio Pigafetta, an Italian adventurer and chronicler who somehow managed to obtain a berth on the voyage and survived the journey wrote glowing accounts of the Sultan's riches and "a large village built above water".

Whether Kadayans had already settled in Brunei at the time of the Portuguese's visit cannot be accurately stated. But for an important Sultanate of the region at the time, Brunei must have had something to offer to traders from other parts of the region and beyond. Not least was their ability to replenish ships' supplies with fresh food.

The Brunei Malay population who generally built their houses above water within the Brunei River were fishermen and not farmers. To survive, they had to be supplied with grains, vegetables and fruits by people living on dry land.

There were no doubt that several native tribes living around the area but whether they were practising permanent agriculture or merely hunter/gatherers was much open to question. Furthermore, common prcatises of head-hunting and constant tribal feuds would have made permanent settlements difficult. New migrants who were willing to till the land and strong enough to resist attacks were needed.

This was where Kadayans were brought in to perform this important task of providong much needed food for the population living on water and to feed constant arrivals of traders. The choice of why this particular group of people were chosen will never be accurately known. They could have been recommended by merchant seamen from what is todays' Indonesia to the Sultan as willing immigrants for instance.

But what can be accurately surmised would be the fact that when these people first arrived, they settled or were given land to till not far from the large population centre in the Brunei River.

What happened next was what caused them to be called Kadayans.

After the new immigrants opened up land and planted crops such as rice, fruits and vegetables, they resorted to bartering with the Brunei Malay fishermen for fish and other seafood in exchange for their produce along a river bank which later came to be called Sungai Kadayan (which is still known today by that name). This form of trade continued and became very popular.

One day, the Sultan, upon hearing of this trading activity along the river bank decided to see for himself and upon reaching the site, said to his minders, "BA KADAI-KADAIAN BISIDIA ANI..!" (meaning, "these people are making shops.."" Kadai (in Malay,Kedai) at that time was confined to shops within attap buildings owned by Arab, Chinese or other traders. Thee people were trading in the open, so they were "pretending" to have shops.

Over time, these traders or hawkers as we know them today, came to be known as "Orang Ba Kadai-Kadaian". The river bank where they traded came to be known as "Sungai Orang Ba Kadai'kadaian (the river where traders trade). Eventually these people came to be known as Kadai-kadaian and finally Kadayan.

In my next article I shall write about the Kadayan diaspora beyond Brunei into the north-western and south-western Tuan Haji Ramlee Dua

Monday, November 19, 2007


Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman and Datuk Sapawi bin Hj Ahmad

The construction of an esplanade in Sipitang district will not only give the district a major facelift but a new attraction for the coastal town thus bolstering its status as the transit town for visitors from Sarawak and Brunei Darussalam.

The RM10 million project initiated by the State government was launched by Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman on August 5, 2007. According to him, the esplanade measuring 452 metre long and 75 metre wide would attract more visitors from the neighbouring state and country to stop by before proceeding to other parts of Sabah.

According to him, the idea was mooted to him by Sindumin Assemblyman Datuk Sapawi Ahmad, who is also Assistant Finance Minister, about two years ago to which he promised to find ways to make it a reality.

Based on records, there is a rise in numbers of visitors entering Sabah at the border in Sinduman near Sipitang. Last year, there were 104,515 while up to June this year, 59,919 people passed through the border to enter Sabah.

For an ordinary person like me, who was born in Sipitang District, such project is timely due to the fact that “mega” project for a small town like Sipitang does not come very often. Beside its beautiful beach, weekly “tamu” and local fruits, Sipitang does not have much to offer the local tourists as well as foreign tourists. It is envisaged that the esplanade would become a major landmark and tourist attraction for Sipitang district.

Promoting Sipitang as a tourist destination rather than just a town for passers-by, requires other infrastructures such as reasonably good hotel accommodations, good transportation system, clean eateries and organised tamu ground.

I’m very sure the local authority and other related agencies are ready to receive influx of visitors and tourists to the district. Giving a good and lasting impression of Sipitang town to the visitors and tourists is one of the critical success factors in tourism industry.

Congratulations to Y.B. Datuk Sapawi bin Hj Ahmad for his effort to putting Sipitang in the tourism map of Malaysia.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


The PGK (Pasukan Gerak Khas - Police Commando) operators during the 200th National Police Day royal parade at Sultan Abdul Samad Road, Kuala Lumpur. (Date:March 26, 2007).


Mesapol tapak MRSM. Pulapol
tarikh: 5 November 2007 (Isnin)

Y.B. Datuk Dr Yusof bin Haji Yacob
Ahli Parlimen Sipitang

SIPITANG: Sebuah Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) dan Pusat Latihan Polis (Pulapol) akan dibina di Mesapol dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-9 (RMK9), Kata Timbalan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat Datuk Dr. Hj Yusof Hj Yaacob.

Menurut beliau, cadangan pembinaan MRSM dan Pulapol ini telah dipersetujui oleh Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri berkenaan melalui perbincangan yang telah dibuat setelah mengambil kira keperluan pembinaannya di daerah ini.

"Saya telah berunding dengan Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi Datuk Khalid Nordin dan beliau bersetuju supaya pembinaan MRSM dilaksanakan dalam RMK9 di Mesapol," katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Pemimpin Bersama Rakyat Zon Mengundi Mesapol dan Usuk anjuran Jasa dan Pusat Khidmat Parlimen P178 Sipitang di Dewan SRJK(C) Chung Hwa Mesapol dekat sini kelmarin.

Beliau berkata, Timbalan Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri pula telah bersetuju dengan cadangan pembinaan sebuah Pusat Latihan Polis di Mesapol.

"Datuk Johari Baharom telah beri 'lampu hijau' bahawa di Mesapol ini kita akan tempatkan sebuah Pusat Latihan Polis (Pulapol) yang berharga sekitar RM200 juta," katanya.

Menurutnya lagi, pembinaan dua institusi besar ini akan menghidupkan semula Mesapol yang telah sekian lama lesu akibat kekurangan kunjungan orang ramai ke pekan ini kerana ketiadaan daya penariknya.

Yusof yang juga merupakan Ahli Parlimen Sipitang, berkata limpahan pembangunaan yang dinikmati oleh rakyat di Parlimen Sipitang adalah hadiah kerajaan kepada rakyat yang sentiasa memberi sokongan padu kepada kerajaan.

Beliau juga melahirkan kesyukuran kerana dapat menunaikan janji-janjinya untuk menyelesaikan masalah rakya khususnya di Parlimen Sipitang dengan terlaksananya projek-projek besar yang memberi manfaat kepada seluruh rakyat jelata.

Katanya, di antara projek pembangunan yang diperjuangkannya selama ini dan kini telah terlaksana ialah, pembinaan loji air baru berharga RM60 juta, jalanraya Sipitang0Tenom (RM264 Juta), Jalanraya Pantai-Mengalong-Siputol (RM36 juta), Jalanraya Solob (RM8 juta), Jalan penyambung Kg Pelakat (RM2.5 juta), Jalan Lubok Darat-Lubok Weston (RM7 juta), Jalan Lumadan (RM2 juta), Jalan Padas Damit (RM7 juta) dan yang paling baru Jalan Sungai Tiga berharga RM6 juta ringgit.

"Perjuangan saya belum berakhir, banyak lagi yang perlu diselesaikan..., saya mahu rakya di Parlimen Sipitang hidup selesa kerana saya sedar bahawasanya tanggungjawab pemimpin adalah untuk selesaikan masalah rakyat," katanya.

Sehubungan itu, beliau meminta agar pegawai kerajaan memahami hasrat untu mencapai visi dan misi ini kerana kejayaan yang diraih selama ini ada hasil kerjasama semua pihak.

Sementara itu, beliau melahirkan rasa terpegun dengan kehadiran lebih 2000 orang pada majlis ini hingga menyebabkan dewan dan luar dewan penuh sesak dengan orang ramai yang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum.

Sempena dengan majlis ini, turut diadakan peyampaikan enjin sangkut, penyampaian rumah, PPRT, penyerahan pengisar padi, dan pemberian kawasan tanaman getah (LIGS).

Turut hadir pada majilis ini ialah Penolong Pengarah Jasa, En Zulkifli Hj Ag Adi, Pegawai Daerah Sipitang Wahab Hj Hamid, Ketua-ketua Jabatan, pemimpin-pemimpin parti komponen BN, pemimpin persatuan etnik, masyarakat, ketua-ketua kampung, Ketua Anak Negeri, Wakil Ketua Anak Negeri dan Pengerusi JKKK.

Sumber :


Tun Datu Haji Mustapha bin Datu Harun

Saya amat bersetuju terhadap saranan Sdra Salim, supaya tapak pengumuman penubuhan Yayasan Sabah oleh Allahyarham Tun Datu Haji Mustapha bin Datu Harun di Mesapol wajar dijadikan sebuah tugu, dataran atau muzium.

Berikut adalah komen Sdra Salim berkaitan perkara di atas.

salim said...

QUOTE - “sesiapa yang ingat di manakah Tun berucap pada ketika itu sama ada di panggung wayang Mesapol atau di padang Mesapol.Bagi saya yang penting Yayasan Sabah harus mengambil inisif untuk menjaga tapak bersejarah ini saperti membuat tugu ,dataran atau muzium untuk mengingati tapak ini.Sekarang ini pekan Mesapol jarang di singgahi orang ramai kerana telah di by pass oleh highway kadang2 orang datang ke mesapol hanya ada sebuah kedai yang mee nya sedap sebab cara membuatnya yang masih original.”- UNQUOTE

Badan atau organisasi NGO yang layak untuk membangkitkan isu ini kepada Yayasan Sabah atau Kerajaan ialah pihak UMNO atau Persatuan Kedayan Sabah atau pun Jawatankuasa Bertindak yang dianggotai oleh penduduk asal Mesapol yang masih ada dan menghadiri perhimpunan berkenaan pada 9 November, 1965.

Secara peribadi saya anggap perkara ini adalah amat bermakna kerana Yayasan Sabah telah banyak berbakti kepada anak-anak jati Kedayan di Mesapol khasnya dan Sabah amnya. Saya amat berharap sekiranya Y.B. Datuk Haji Sapawi Haji Ahmad, sebagai anak jati Mesapol, dapat mengambil inisiatif awal untuk tujuan ini.

Saya ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih saya kepada Sdra Salim kerana telah membuat kita terjaga dari tidur yang nyenyak dan kealpaan terhadap sejarah kampung kita sendiri. Terima kasih Sdra Salim.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

November Month in History


The idea of establishing of the YAYASAN SABAH was mooted by Sabah's first Head of State, Tun Datu Haji Mustapha Bin Datu Harun, at Mesapol, Sipitang on November 9, 1965. In his speech he stated:

Yayasan Sabah will act as an instituition that would strive initially to remedy the educational deficiencies in Sabah and subsequently to devise a system of redistributing the state's timber wealth to all of the populace. The initial objectives of the new foundation were largely directed to the creation of new educational opportunities; to provide ample facilities for improvement and progress in education; to widen the scope for the higher education of Sabah students throughout the world; to promote the establishment of a university college in Sabah; to arrange the award of scholarships from various institutions, including the Foundation itself, to students of Sabah origin; and to make donations to schools in need of special assistance."

In recognition of the needs for a better standard of living and education for Malaysians in Sabah, and in order to create an organisation which could address those needs more effectively and expeditiously, an enactment for the establishment of Yayasan Sabah was passed by the Sabah Legislative Assembly in 1966. Within this broad perimeter, Yayasan Sabah Group has been extensively involved in the provision and improvement of the socio-economic development of Malaysians in Sabah.

Yayasan Sabah Group's vision to be a Dynamic, People Oriented, Caring and Committed organisation is a clear message of its steadfast commitment to fulfil its corporate objectives of supplementing and complementing the Government's effort to bring social and economic progress for Malaysians in Sabah. Its social programmes comprising of Intellectual and Mind Development, Socio-Economic Development, Socio-Cultural Development and supported by research and development activities are implemented through its five zones, namely West Coast North, West Coast South, Interior, East Coast North, and East Coast South.

In the commercial and industrial sectors, Yayasan Sabah Group is acknowledged as a pioneer, leader, innovator and facilitator of growth. To sustain its effective role in generating funds for its socio-economic programmes, Yayasan Sabah Group has expanded its income generation base from the traditional forestry based sector to include other productive sectors such as transportation, real estate, hospitality, eco-tourism and recently, into fisheries, agro-plantation, biotechnology, and oil and gas. This is in-line with the strategic direction or “Halatuju” of the State which focuses on agriculture, tourism and manufacturing.


Note: Mesapol is predominantly Kedayan kampung and it happened I came from the same kampung. Since its inception more than 40 years ago, lots of Sabahan, myself no exception, had benefited from the visionary educational initiatives set by Tun Datu Haji Mustapha Bin Datu Harun through an organisation known as Yayasan Sabah. Happy 42nd Anniversary to Yayasan Sabah.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Sebuah pesanan telah ditinggalkan di dalam CBox yang saya sediakan di blog yang menamakan diri beliau sebagai Sdra Doddy H Iska. Sdra Doddy mengatakan bahawa dia seorang Kadayan dari Kutai Tatanagara. Pesanan beliau boleh dilihat di dalam CBox dan Sdra Doddy cuma menggunakan sepatah perkataan Kadayan iaitu “daie” yang bermaksud dari.

Lantas saya hubungi Sdra Doddy melalui e-mail beliau yang boleh diperolehi dari CBox. E-mail saya dijawab dengan segera oleh Sdra Doddy yang berbunyi demikian: -

QUOTE - Aslammualaikum Pa,
maaf saya ngak punya pa url nya cuman yang ada hanya email aja. yah.D Kutai tu ada hanya sebilangan aja kerana d sini Kebiasaannya cuman make bahasa Indonesia aja. Tapi wang patuhaan kakal boleh ba pandiee @ bakuaapak jua. d Brau bahasanya pun mangadayan jua. Naagie Kadayan @ Kampong Kadayan tu yang banyak d KELTENG @ KELIMANTAN TENGAH @ Propinsinya PALANG KARAYA. Kerana kebanyakaannya Wang2 K @ Kedayan ni toon daie Kelteng ke Sibuti, Miri.(4 U info: Kelteng ke Sibutui tu hanya Perbatasan saja d Utaranya @ d Daatnya) K yang d Miri tu bukannya bawaan Aja aja dahulu kala tu. K bawaan aja aja adalah K yang daie Boonai.Nanti lagi ulun merujuk ke Perpustakaan d Samarinda.


Apabila diperhatikan dialek Kadayan yang digunakan oleh Sdra Doddy tidak banyak perbezaan dengan dialek kita di Sabah, Saawak dian Boonai KECUALI perkataan “bapandiee” yang bermaksud bakuaapak atau batutuuan, secara peribadi saya tak pernah mendengar perkataan “bapandiee”. Sesuatu yang baru buat saya.

Selama ini saya cuma mendengar cerita bahawa di Kutai ada suku kaum Kadayan, namun saya tidak berapa yakin. Mengikut e-mail Sdra Doddy, Naagie Kadayan di Kalimantan ialah di Kelteng, Kalimantan Tengah, Propinsi (Province) Palang Karaya. Saya amat tertarik dengan maklumat Sdra Doddy dan sekiranya ada Kadayan Sabah, Saawak atau Boonai yang pernah melawat tempat yang disebut, saya mengalu-alukan maklum balas dari sdra dan sdri pelawat blog ini.

Saya juga mengalu-alukan sekiranya ada Kadayan-Kadayan dari Kutai, Brau, Kelteng dan tempat-tempat lain di Kalimantan yang melawat blog ini, supaya meninggalkan pesanan atau membuat komen di dalam posting-posting yang terdapat di dalam blog ini.

Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Sdra Doddy H Iska yang telah memberi saya sedikit maklumat yang sebelum ini cuma seperti hayalan saya sahaja. Taima kasih.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wonderful Teacher

This poem is written by the unknown author. I picked it up, and I would like to dedicate this poem to a very special teacher, whom most of us from Government Junior Secondary School Sipitang (1967 - 1970)knew him very well. He has retired from the profession quite sometime ago and currently spending his happy retirement with his family in Singapore.

I'm not going to reveal the teacher's details just yet, until I get his permission for me to do so.

Sir, this poem is especially for you.

Wonderful Teacher

With a special gift for learning
And with a heart that deeply cares,
You add a lot of love
To everything you share,
And even though
You mean a lot,
You'll never know how much,
For you helped
To change the world
Through every life you touched.
You sparked the creativity
In the students whom you taught,
And helped them strive for goals
That could not be bought,
You are such a special teacher
That no words can truly tell
However much you're valued
For the work you do so well.

--Author Unknown

This song also especially for you Sir. This is the best I could find. I hope you'll enjoy it.

I Did It My Way - Frank Sinatra

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mystic of Borneo - Kadayan by Amde Sidik

Amde Sidik

Not very often a Kedayan writer is born, writing real books, if you know what I mean. Amde Sidik, a Kadayan writer from Sabah is a multi-talented person. He is a lawyer by education, a columnist and a lecturer. His university education and training was from University of Malaya, City Uni. of London, Uni. of Birmingham, Uni. of Hull, and Australian National University. He is a part-time lecturer in Commercial Law at local University.

We were hailed from the same district and were studying in the same school together, way back in the late 60s. He went to England to pursue his studies one year ahead of me and I can recall back that on my first time arrival in London in 1978, my wife and I were squatting in his apartment for a few days before we solved our accommodation problem then.

Amde Sidik, as I personally known him is a very talented and determined person. To him failure is a recipe for success. To date he has authored several books, but what interest me about his latest books is that one of the books is about our very own ethnic group – the Kadayans.

If my memory serves me right (correct me if I am wrong), the Mystic of Borneo – Kadayan is the first book written by the Kadayan and the second book about Kadayan after Darah Kedayan (1960) which was written by the late Harun Aminurashid (Singapura). Harun Aminurashid was not a Kadayan but stayed in kampong Kadayan for several years to understand the Kadayan’s culture and tradition.

You can purchase the books written by Amde Sidik from your local bookstores and other details are as follows: -

Title: The Mystic of Borneo-Kadayan

# ISBN 978-2-45654-675-9
# ISBN 978-983-41768-0-8
No.of page: 145
Published by Bookstand Publishing (International Edition) CA, 2007
Published by Borneo Publishers (Malaysia Edition) 2007
Available at local bookstores
Price: RM 30.00

Available also in Hard Cover. at RM 45.00
Malay Edition is expected to by in the market by end of December 2007

Online sales @:
barnes &

Other books by the same author:
1. Writing from the Tip of Borneo, published by Universe Inc., 2005
2. I Beg To Differ published by Bookstand Publishing, 2007


Friday, November 9, 2007

sneak preview of

A sneak preview of a new blog entitled
It is still under construction. Nevertheless, I have posted something there which might interest you. Do visit the blog when you are free. Thank you.